Fitness Challenge Weekly

Workout of the Week Nov 22-28 2015

Hey Guys and Gals,

So today I only did Endurance to add to plyometrics because a combination of both types of exercises gives you maximum gains in the shortest period of time and for fighters or athletics that’s what we want so we can continue improving and focusing on our techniques etc.

Yes I understand that your body already does endurance all day long but what your body doesn’t do is concentrate on the endurance muscles evolved in the specific movement and the neurological pathways that your muscles must create or put stress through to break the muscle fibers.  That’s what we want!

1 leg split squat – 10 reps /15 reps / 20 reps/ 25 reps / 30 reps /

air squats – 20 reps/ 25 reps / 30 reps / 35 reps / 40 reps

Chin Ups or assisted with chair  – 5 reps / 7 – 10 reps / 10 – 15 reps / 15 – 20 reps / 20 + and don’t stop

Pull Ups or Assist with Bench or Chair – Same as Chin ups

Modified Shoulder Press – Push Up Downward Dog Position – 5 reps/ 7 reps/ 10 reps/ 12 reps/ 15 reps

Sphynx Push Up or Hands Touching together Tricep Push Up or Dip – 10 reps/ 15 reps/ 20 reps/ 25 reps/ 30 reps

Reverse Crunch (both sides counts as a rep) 20 reps/ 25 reps/ 30 reps / 35 reps/ 40 reps

Good luck everyone! It should take you 45 minutes maximum! Depending on how much rest you put between activities or if you put it at the end before you restart.  I put it at the end before I restarted which in my own believe would give you maximum muscle fatigue and calorie burn.